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The summer season is almost here and that means a flood of new movies is about to hit theaters. With a nation of people who want to spend their money wisely, choosing the right movie to entertain can be difficult. And with m
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ore and more movies coming out each week, it can be difficult to remember which movie had you interested and when it even comes out. The following is a helpful list of the top movies of June and their release dates.

Get Him to the Greek- (June 4) Anyone who watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall will recognize Albus Snow (Russel Brand) in this spin off of the raunchy comedy. Now the british rock star is the focus of the film, being ushered to the stadium The Greek. Jonah Hill plays the man escorting Albus Snow across the oceans and getting into insane adventures together. Fans of flthy comedies will most likely enjoy

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this romp through the life of an insane rock star.

The A-Team- (June 11) Based on the 70s TV show, Hannibal (Liam Neeson) leads a group of rag tag soldiers to fight back ag onitsuka tiger metro nomad ainst a government that fr onitsuka tiger sunotore am ultimate 81 onitsuka tiger ed them for a crime they didnt commit. Full of over the top action and crazy plans that shouldnt work, action junkies and fans of

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the original show should keep this on theri radar.

Toy Story 3- (June 18) Woody, Buzz, and the rest of Andys toys are back and now their battling off pre schoolers with grabby hands and a tendency to chew on everything. The gang has to get out of the hot zone and back into safety. The 3-D is being pushed heavily, andwatching the movie willmost likely be bearable if bringing a child to watch the toys adventures.

Grown Ups- (June 25) Adam Sandlerscompany Happy Madison has a new film in the works. A group of five childhood friends reunite, now with families and history to tell each other. Allowing Kevin James, Chris Rock, and David Spade to play off each other could make for a fun family comedy. There shouldnt be any worries about content, since Adam Sandler has tamed with age, and its likely that Grown Ups will have a few laughs for everybody.