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Its a truly uni
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que Sci-Fi event unlike any other in the U.S. for fans of this beloved film genre. Indeed, the 38th Annual Boston Science Fiction Marathon is a 24-ho
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ur long smorgasbord of cinematic treats and fun that goes far beyond simply providing a thoroughly entertaining slate of films for the inner Sci Fi geek that lay dormant within many a movie buff.
Most assuredly, the event itself, which begins Sunday, February 17th at the Somerville Th

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eater in Somerville, MA, is truly a marathon of endurance for those who love Sci-Fi films and cinema in gener onitsuka tiger me onitsuka tiger womens trainers tro nomad al. Insomniacs aside, the enthusiastic crowds that attend each year include long time regulars who have attended this very special event for years; as well as relative newcomers anxious to sample a day-long barrage of old and modern day classics, mixed with a sampling of interesting, entertaining, and sometimes obscure, Sci-Fi gems that will most definitely be a memorable experience for all.
Some folks come prepared with snacks, treats, blankets and plenty of caffeine to make it through the long haul. Others come for brief periods, taking in a few films, leaving for a hour or two, and return to resume screening the next film on the schedule.
onitsuka tiger singapore I was among the novice first-timers last year to attend The Thon, as its more casually known to the regulars, not knowing exactly what to expect. Im happy to say, after 24-straight hours of films, wonderful camaraderie with fellow film buffs between screenings, and the occasional brief cat nap; the experience was truly a memorable one.
This years Thon promises to be an equally memorable, fun and sleep deprived occasion as well. Tickets for the event and more information can be found on the Marathons website link here.
Among the slate of films on the schedule: John Carter, Reptilicus, V for Vendetta, Escape From L.A., The Incredible Shrinking Man, and much more. Details on each film can be found on the website link here.
So grab your knapsack filled with energy bars, cans of caffeinated Coke, sandwiches, a pillow and especially your enthusiasm for a non-stop cavalcade of Sci-Fi fun. It may sound like a crazy venture; but when its all over, youll know youve experienced something truly fun, special and most certainly unique.
Just make sure you dont make plans for the Monday after. Youll no doubt be sleeping to catch up on your rest from the event... but, with a smile on your face.